My Favorite Cat

I have three cats; two Siamese and a black and white. My favorite is Momo. He's a chocolate point Siamese, which means his body is light brown and white and his tips (paws, ears, face, tail) are all dark brown. When he was younger his body was completely white but it's gotten darker as he's gotten older. He's also a very problematic cat. My mom is a vet and Momo needed some sort of shot, so my mom had some of her vet friends come over and they tried to give him the shot. It took close to an hour and three vets to give him a shot, and afterwards one of them ended up bleeding a little bit. He would also steal our food all the time and eat anything we dropped on the floor. He doesn't do this anymore, and we suspect he wasn't getting enough food at his old home.
He also used to chew on socks, but he stopped after about a year and now he chews on people's ears if they let him. I'm the only person in my family that let's him which is one of the reasons he likes me so much. It sounds like it would hurt a lot, but it isn't too bad. His tongue is the worst part and after he chews on my ear I sometimes get a scab on the back of my earlobe. One of the reasons it doesn't hurt very much is his lack of teeth. Five or six (maybe 7) years ago Momo got hit by a car. He survived but only because someone pulled over and directed traffic around him. He had a few serious scrapes, his jaw was broken/dislocated, one of his legs was injured, his retinas got detached and he lost a bunch of teeth. He had a feeding tube for a while, but now he's back to normal.
Another thing he will do is open the garbage if we throw any chicken bones in it. He does this by standing up on his hind legs, placing his front paws on the handle, and then walking backwards. I've only seen him do it once, usually we just hear a sliding sound and then crunching. To stop him from doing this we got a baby lock and we would lock it after we threw away chicken, luckily it made him give up and we don't need to lock it anymore.
He's not just a trouble maker, he's also one of the friendliest cats we've ever had. One of the only times he meows is when he doesn't know where we are. He'll just walk around meowing until we call him or he finds us. He'll sometimes walk right past me, go into the bathroom, jump on the toilet, and meow until I go pick him up. If anyone in our family is sitting on our couch in a certain spot he'll jump onto their lap no matter who they are. He seeks people out unlike our other two cats, which is what makes him my favorite cat.


  1. All cats are extremely cool but Siamese cats are just regal. They're the most cat-like. Like, if you asked me to imagine a cat, I wouldn't think exotic shorthair or whatever. I'd think Siamese. If every other breed of cat slowly died out to be replaced by Siamese only, I'd be fine.

  2. When Silas and I came over that one Friday to grind smash and you introduced us to your cats, Momo also immediately became my favorite of the three, mainly because the other two weren't as friendly. I love my Russian Blue cat, but Momo's creamy Siamese fur contrasting with the dark spots is much more satisfying to pet.


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